Exceptional Edition of Sanad to Support those Affected by the February 2023 Earthquake Within the Framework of Ahliyeh Initiative

Ettijahat – Independent Culture, in collaboration with Douzan Music Art and Culture, announces the launch of a special edition of the Sanad programme dedicated to those affected by the catastrophic earthquake on February 6, 2023. This edition provides rapid support for the affected workers in the fields of civil and community action, arts, culture and media, with the aim of helping them overcome the urgent humanitarian and economic challenges they will face during the upcoming six months.

 This edition of Sanad provides flexible support of up to EUR 1,500 which covers livelihood and healthcare services. It aims to help affected people face the current exceptional circumstances and maintain their physical and psychological health and that of their families in the short term, in order to restore their vital roles in their communities

Who does this edition target? 

This edition targets workers in the fields of civil and community action, arts, culture and media who have been directly affected by the catastrophic earthquake, including single mothers, people at risk, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, regardless of their age, gender orientation, religion, or ethnicity.
Groups that will be prioritized for support include but are not limited to:
Individuals who have legal problems;
Individuals facing direct safety risks;
Male and female breadwinners for their families and partners without any other resources at present;
Those who suffer from long-term physical or psychological health problems;
Individuals with special circumstances that require direct support.


The names, application data, and other personal information relating to applicants and beneficiaries will be kept confidential, in full respect of individuals' right to privacy.

Application Process

Applications will be received between March 10th and 25th, 2023, and they should be submitted strictly through the designated form. All applications will be assessed, and the selected beneficiaries will be contacted and informed of their eligibility for support. An agreement will be concluded with each of them as soon as possible to ensure the prompt delivery of support.
This edition of Sanad targets individuals and their families within the framework of Ahliyeh Initiative to provide an urgent response to the needs of those affected by the February 2023 earthquake, in partnership with Action for Hope and several partners and supporters.
To apply and to learn more about the support of this edition please download the files available below. 

© الحقوق محفوظة اتجاهات- ثقافة مستقلة 2025
تم دعم تأسيس اتجاهات. ثقافة مستقلة بمنحة من برنامج عبارة - مؤسسة المورد الثقافي