The Last Cycle of the Art Lives Initiative 2020

We continue to receive applications from artists and people working in culture and the arts to provide support for living expenses or health care. The application will continue to be accepted until November 25, 2020, according to the conditions mentioned on the Art Lives intiative page which you can find here.

The Art Long Live Intiative was launched in June of this year, and it is a collaboration between Ettijahat, Action for Hope and Mophradat organization, to provide exceptional support to artists and cultural workers who have been negatively affected by the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Since its launch, the intiative has provided support to 66 artists from Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan and Jordan, as well as support for 29 artists residing in Beirut who were affected by the Beirut Port explosion last August, with the support of the Ford and DOEN Foundation.

Fill out your application form which is availble on the Initative's page and send it to one of the following email addresses:
For Healthcare Support:
For Livelihood Support:

For more information on the Intiative and on the application process kindly download and read the FAQ document attached below.

© الحقوق محفوظة اتجاهات- ثقافة مستقلة 2024
تم دعم تأسيس اتجاهات. ثقافة مستقلة بمنحة من برنامج عبارة - مؤسسة المورد الثقافي